Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Divorce via SMS

Here’s a nice Malaysian SMS (short memorable story). Pronouncing a divorce using the Short Message Service (SMS) method is valid because it is similar to doing it by letter, said Selangor Deputy Mufti Datuk Abdul Majid Omar.

But this action is not proper and not polite from the moral and spiritual aspects
, he said at a seminar on the
Role of Fatwa (ruling) in building the family institution
Abdul Majid said a couple who wanted to divorce should go through the Syariah court.
Speaking on the same matter, Mufti Datuk Seri Mohd Tamyes Abdul Wahid said SMS contests were "haram" (prohibited by Islam) as they contained elements of cheating and gambling.
He said SMS contest organizers should stop their contests as they provided no intellectual benefit apart from entertainment.
It is a modern type of gambling because someone wins and someone else loses, and people scramble for prizes,
he said.
However, the use of SMS to give donations was not 'haram' because it was for a good cause, he added. But of course...
[Via Daily express]


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