Wednesday, July 06, 2005

G8 protest goes virtual

Police sees no future fot the G8 demonstrations gather pace in Scotland, but internet users are taking advantage of a virtual demonstration taking place on the web. 38,000 people joined online rally as the real demo is cancelled by police. Hmmm…Organisers of the Make Poverty History campaign say that 38,000 people have taken part in the virtual rally at, which allows surfers to choose an avatar to take part in demonstrations in a virtual Edinburgh.
The Make Poverty History campaign has pioneered a broad approach to new media in promoting its cause. This has included SMS petitions and emails and the use of a text messaging lottery to offer tickets for Live 8.
If you want to join the E-action you need to enter this Live 8 list and see what you can do. The list will be sent directly to the G8 leaders.
P.s. Where is he? No, not Il Che. I’m talking about Mr. Tony Blair. TIME Europe said Britain’s Prime Minister joined forces with Bob Gedolf to support Live 8. Nice to hear that, but isn’t this just another PR move? We need some real proof.


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