Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Against poverty in Africa-millions of SMS will be sent to rich countries

African and Ghanaian personalities will promote the Creative Storm campaign against poverty in Africa... The Thursday launch will also kick off an innovative mobile phone SMS campaign in fifteen African countries, offering millions of people the opportunity to send text messages about poverty to the world's richest countries. Like the click advert featuring Bono, Brad Pitt, P. Diddy and other celebrities, AFRICA SNAPS deploys the simple symbolism of the snapping fingers powerfully, to remind us all about a harrowing statistic - every three seconds, a child dies from extreme poverty in Africa. Uniquely, the collection of messages in countries such as Ghana and Kenya will be led by masqueraders walking and dancing on ten-foot stilts and brandishing giant mobile phones. The launch is dedicated to the memory of African children. On June the 16th, thousands of children, wearing white bands and beads - symbols of the anti-poverty campaign will be taking part in activities throughout Africa.
[Via Accra Daily Mail]


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