Thursday, June 16, 2005

SMS your way to that dream job

The SMS is one hack of a polyvalent service… no doubt. Here’s another sms application: applying for a job. This is practically happening in...India of course. SMS is fast emerging there as the easiest way to reach out to the hot brains in the IT industry. IT companies are beginning to use SMS to keep candidates engaged between the time they are offered the job and the time they actually join. Some companies may soon even put in place a mechanism to enable prospective candidates to simply SMS them about their desire for a particular job.
The trend is particularly visible among BPO companies.

Since our business involves hiring large numbers of young graduates, we use SMS to track and keep the candidates engaged with us until they actually join. This method helps in keeping the candidates interested in us,
says Amitava Saha, recruitment head, Accenture BPO.
Accenture 'texted' about 150 candidates in the last one month by using SMSTrac, an application which enables sending customized bulk messages. ICICI One Source is also using this application. These messages will inform the candidate about the schedule of tests/interviews, information on documents to be carried, follow up on updating resumes and other value adds.

[Via Times of India]


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