SMS Fuels Messaging Market
[Via WirelessWeek]
We all know the SMS rocks the wireless messaging world, but wireless instant messaging is expected to change all that. Apparently, the instant messaging explode between 2007 and 2009. Let’s all hope for a small Big bang then. Anyway, the SMS expansion doesn't seem to be affected by this phenomenon. The SMS still has an inherent profitability, although revenue from SMS is expected to level off and decline in the future, according to David Chamberlain, an analyst for In-Stat.
SMS margins are expected to remain good for most carriers, he says.
Growth in the wireless instant messaging arena will come from the corporate sector because widespread consumer adoption likely will be hindered by the lack of industry standards, In-Stat predicts. It is expected that MMS bizz will post nearly a 50-percent compound annual growth rate through 2009. Not to forget that last week, Cingular Wireless announced record-setting results for its 'American Idol' text-messaging campaign. Cingular reported more than 41.5 million text messages were sent by its customers during the most current 2005 season of 'American Idol'. The 12-week campaign represents the largest volume of text messages sent during a single campaign in the United States. Uhh, ok. Congratts Cingular!???